Comparison charts of recreational and commercial landings
from the5 Mid-Atlantic states (NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA)
- Commercial landings are indicated by the dotted blue line, recreational landings by the solid red line -
Spanish Mackerel
Winter Flounder
Dolphin Fish
Striped Bass
Sea Bass
Atlantic Croaker
Black Drum
Total landings
(Name in table is linked to corresponding chart)
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Commercial vs Recreational landings - total  (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Scup   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Spanish Mackerel   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Winter Flounder   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Weakfish   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Striped Bass   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Bluefish   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Shark   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Spot   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Tautog   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Croaker   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Sea Bass   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Black Drum   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Dolphin Fish   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Fluke   (return to top)
Commercial vs Recreational landings - Tuna   (return to top)